Rinaz Managing Director presenting on Financial Position & Performance Capacity Building to Ministry of Agriculture Stakeholders held recently in Dar es Salaam.
It is a very productive discussion with Rural Energy Board (REB), Mej. Gen. Dr. Jacob Gideon Kingu. We look foward to fostering and strenghthening our cooperation with REB in investment and professional consultancy opportunities.
Rinaz Managing Director FRV. Chubwa O. G (fourth from right) posed in a group photo with the Deputy Prime Minister of State, Hon. Dr. Dotto Mashaka Biteko (fifth from left) after a parliamentary session in Dodoma City. The Deputy Prime Minister has assured the Rinaz Management of a continued support and cooperation from his office as we embark to creating more job opportunities in the field of Valuation and real estate at large.
Rinaz Managing Director FRV Chubwa O.G (first from right) in tete-a-tete with the retired Chief Secretary of state and the current Chairman of TPDC Board Members Hon. Amb. Ombeni Sefue. Rinaz seeks to fostering a continued cooperation with TPDC Board in the field of Valuation and real estate at large.
Rinaz Managing Director FRV. Chubwa O.G (first from left) posed in a photo with Hon. Dr. Faustine Ndungulile (MP) after a Parliamentary session in Dodoma City. The MP has assured Rinaz Management of the continued ties and cooperation with his office in the field of Valuation and real estate at large.
Rinaz Managing Director FRV. Gabriel O.C , in attendance of The National Physical Addressing (NaPA) inauguration event held at The Mtumba Government City.
RPCL has inherited a wealth of skills and experience from its directors and professionals who are reputable, qualified and experienced in the field of Property Valuation, Fixed Asset Register & Codification, Property Management & Space Marketing, Land Administration, Collateral Management & Auction and Mortgage Registration consultancy.